• Okina
  • Kishin
  • Joh
  • Onna
  • Otoko
  • Shinrei
  • Onryou
  • Kyougen

Kishin mask

Kishin (meaning “demon god”) masks were created relatively early on following the Okina-type masks. Generally, these masks have large pieces of golden metal, called gold crowns, that cover the whites of the eyes and teeth. It projects a sense of extreme anger and strength that embodies divine power. There are two types of Kishin masks, agyou and ungyou. Agyou masks have a wide-open mouth like two of the Buddhist Four Heavenly Kings, and ungyou and are made with the lips drawn closed. The characters that make up the word “Kishin” prominently include the character for “Oni” (Japanese ogre demon) who have horns but Kishin masks explicitly do not.





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