History of Noh.

The First Period

A stage that revolved around magical rituals centered on agricultural and the emergence of the Okina mask.

During the Kofun period (4th-5th centuries), there seems to have been agricultural rituals held such as the “Prayer Festival” to celebrate a good harvest.

However, clay masks with string holes have existed since the late Jomon period (4th-3rd century BC), it is assumed that it was during this period that the art of wearing masks to perform rituals was established.

Later, Gigaku and Bugaku masks brought from China were combined with local masks. It was then in the Heian period 8th – 12th centuries) Okina-type masks (Okina, Sanbasoh, Chichinojoh, and later Enmeikaja) were created, which sarugaku theatre troupes wore to pray for peace, good harvests and longevity.





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